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Deon A.

When you are upset because you know you are about to payout a lot of money. You need that one person to come by that is just not there to collect your money and run. Jesse showed up and was very encouraging about the water damage. What I mean by that, is that he let me know what was going on and that what I had already done before he got there was good. And let me know that the service was really needed and I could not have resolved it myself. That is always good to know that you are not about to waste money. He explained everything in detail and let us know why we needed what he was going to use. He is super friendly and made us feel like friends of his and not just some person he is doing some work for. So this made it feel better over all to be able to talk to him and not feel like he is going to drain us for every cent he could get. He even made sure his equipment would not interfere with me using the Basement as it worked to resolve my issue. Also, watched the power it was pulling and moved some of the plugs up stairs so it would not cause an issue. I give a 10 out of 10 and would 100% use them

Rees Restoration

Jesse is the man! Thank you for taking the time and letting us know about your experience!

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